Once upon a time, in a universe far, far away, there was a tiny speck of matter. This speck was all alone, with no one to play with or talk to. It felt very sad and lonely.
One day, the speck heard a loud voice booming from nowhere. “What are you doing here all by yourself?” the voice asked. The speck was scared, but it answered timidly, “I don’t know. I just am.”
The voice laughed. “You’re nothing! You’re worthless! You don’t belong here!” it said, and the speck felt even smaller and sadder than before.
But then something amazing happened. The speck started to grow and expand. It got bigger and bigger until it exploded into a huge ball of light and energy. This was the Big Bang.
As the energy expanded, it pushed against the darkness and the void, creating stars and galaxies and planets. It was like the speck had found its voice and was finally able to stand up to the bully.
And the bully? Well, it was no match for the power of the Big Bang. It was blown away by the energy and became a tiny speck itself.
Now, the universe is filled with all sorts of amazing things – bright stars, swirling galaxies, and colorful planets. And even though there are still dark places where the bully tries to lurk, the power of the Big Bang continues to push back against it.
So, remember, even when someone tries to make you feel small and worthless, you have the power to grow and become something amazing. Just like the Big Bang, you have the power to shine bright and create wonderful things.